Thursday, 19 March 2009


Yes, this little baby you see in this photo has turned 30 on the 16th of March!!
So we had a little surprise party with family and some friends.

Johan's best friend was coming back to France for business from KL, the famous Olivier International :) He decided to drop by Lyon and we decided to have dinner together. A quiet dinner for 5 turned to a dinner for 10 :)
Yes, Johan didnt know I was busy inviting his family to join us since his best friend was here too.. all a hush hush business that turned out well... no secrets were leaked out before then so all good!
Just as we were busy having appetizers and just chatting.. a knock on the door.. rather few bangings from papy.. (Johan's grandpa) and we have Papy, Alex and Aurelie that joined us followed by his parents much later...

Trying to squeeze 10 people in the living room to eat was a mission :) Do-able and menageable though. The other mission for me was to prepare a meal for 10 people without Johan noticing.

Here are the party people!! :)
Top row L to R : Benjamin (Oliv's brother), Gilbert, Johan, Marie Christine, Papy, Aurelie, Alex.
Bottom Row L to R : Olivier Intrenational, Yves ( Oliv's father) and ME!

Below are some before and after photos of the young man.

Johan all buckled up in his 'auto mobile' and his first owned car. She's a real beauty.

Johan on all fours then and now :) He is such a cutie huh?? then more than now I agree :)

His love for wheels!! and adventure.. always had that in him

VROOM VROOM Yes, the real thing!

Already a love for adventure at such a young age! WHEE!!
Wow, how time flies!! That's his 1st birthday and below, we have his 30th.


Still an Angel :)