Hello everyone,
We are all fine! My sister's wedding is over and all went very well. It was a beautiful wedding. We finished at 5am so you would understand if we didn't have time to update our blog!!! We are still recovering. However, you can see some photos of their wedding on our album photos and leave some comments that we will forward to them http://lesaventuresdeyoyo.spaces.live.com/
Bonjour à tous,
En francais, le mariage de ma soeur s'est tres bien passe! Tres fatigant tout de meme et nous nous en remettons doucement. Ce qui explique le retard dans la mise a jour de nos infos! Vous nous en excuserez mais vous pouvez voir qqes photos du mariage de ma soeur sur le lien ci-dessus et laisser vos commentaires!!!
A tres bientot
Getting back to writing
8 years ago
I love the scenery. It is so beautiful!
The wedding looks so posh with hats and parasols.
Well written article.
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