Monday 7 January 2008



A cause ou Grace a ma paralysie faciale, j'ai du commence une reeducation! Contrairement a la France ou la plupart du temps, je vais chez un kine homme qui me fait souffrir. La, je vais dans un institut de beaute ou je suis entoure de belles femmes et chouchoutte comme un ROI!
En effet, je commence la session avec des serviettes chaudes sur tout le corp, puis vient l'heure du massage du dos, de la nuque et de la tete! Ensuie, c'est moins drole, j'ai le droit au Laser (non douleureux) puis a l'electrotherapie sur le visage! C ca fait mal....1h30 apres, ma session est deja termine...A demain

Here ´s Johan enjoying his physiotherapy for his facial paralysis. Usually in France you do it in a special clinic but we had to do in a Beauty Spa! Where it´s just women who´s taking care of all his needs.. SIGH... how nice right? Well, I was with him the first day and I saw they took care of him. I wanted a SPA session too!! In the beginning, they put nice warm blankets on his upper back, his neck and face to relax the muscles for a few min. Then they massage his shoulders and back.. SIGH.. again another sigh cos I REALLY want one! (I deserve one for taking care of him, don´t you think?? hehehehe) Then anyways, after the msg, they put some electrolysis thing on his face to work on his facial muscles.. Well, it all lasted about 1h30mins. How nice right? Well, after suffering so much, this is very comforting for him. He did this SPA sessions for about 4 days in a row only cos it is costly.

Etant en "arret maladie", mes journees enfermees sont un peu longues. Alors, en plus de lire des livres en espagnol, de continuer a apprendre l'espagnol, de commencer a me mettre au portuguais, j'ai decide d'investir dans une guitare pour m'initier a la musique.
Johan was getting too bored staying indoors and the days were getting a little long for him. So apart from reading books, learning Spanish, started taking up Portuguese as well... he´s decided to become a musician too.. soo... Here´s a new toy and something new for Johan to do.

Je dois vous avouer que j'avais deja fait une vaine tentative d'apprentissage il y a quelques annees mais cette fois-ci, je suis bien decide a apprendre!
Les debuts sont difficiles! Les doigts, le poignet et les oreilles des autres souffrent mais je suis entoure d'un bon prof, WILL et de nombreux artistes argentins qui viennent a mon secours!
Johan has tried taking up guitar before but didn´t make it but this time he seems pretty keen and have decided he will LEARN how to play. The beginning is difficult. The fingers, the wrist, people´s ear are aching but... he´s got a good teacher, Will and few other Argentineans tourists who helped him a little bit. Personally, I think he´s doing well. I´ll learn along the way.. just strumming the guitar.. hahaha

Voila comment occuper ses journees au Perou....

Voila, so that´s how we keep our days busy in Peru....

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