Argentina is like it´s flag: Clear blue sky with some white clouds and The sun shining brightly.
L'Argentine, c'est une diversite de peuples, de l'indien autochtone qui a survecu aux conquistadors, des cow boys du Far West (il s'habille de cette facon tous les jours et se deplacent encore a cheval) aux portenos (habitants de Buenos Aires) qui nous prend en stop (encore une premiere pour Flo, aire du stop!) et avec qui nous parcoureront 2h dans des pistes de terres et de sables pour revenir dans la ville de Mercedes ou il y a toutes sortes de vieilles voitures (R6, R19, R12, R18, Peugeot 504, 505, et bien d'autres antiquites)... SAUF des Mercedes
Argentina is so diversed in the people that lives here, the local indians that survived the conquest, the cowboys from the far east who still rides on horses to travel and then the city people who kindly took us when we were hitch hiking.
En Argentine, il y a certains endroits ou les voitures sont encore quasi inexistantes! Apres le velo, Flo a du se frotter le derriere sur le cheval (une premiere pour elle)!!! Au debut, elle etait contente car elle avait "le plus beau cheval"
In Argentina, there are still some places where cars still don´t exists.. After cycling, I´m riding the horse ( a frist for me) In the beginning I was really happy cos I had the most beautiful horsey.
mais tres vite, elle a dechante, car sa jument s'est revelee fougueuse, desobeissante et tetue comme une mule, puis a la fin de la promenade, elle n'avancait plus, morte de fatigue!
That changed pretty quickly.. cos my horse was excited and she wants to go faster.. and didn´t want to obey my "commands" right or left... She went a little faster and I started to panic.. but the guy in charged managed to come to my rescue.Then towards the end of our little horse riding sessions, my horse got tired and was alot more calm. I could handle her better by then.. heheheh
Next day took a morning boat ride to see the wild animals on the lake.
L'Argentine possede aussi quelques animaux impressionnants -qu'on a pu apprecier en nous rendant dans les profondeurs du pays (Colonia Carlo Pelligrini) ou les 4 magasins du village ouvrent a 17h30, ou les routes ne sont que sables, ou le generateur alimente tout le village en electricite, ou les paysages ne sont que champs, vaches et chevaux, et ou les habitants ne sont que cow boys -tels le Caiman- photographie de tres tres pres (qui vit dans une lagune) - ou encore le capybara, un rongeur qui peut atteindre 1m30 et peser 75kg (plus lourd que moi et mon sac)...Malheureusement, on n'a pas vu le Boa!
We also went to see some interesting animals in the Colonia Carlos Pelligrini, like a lost town out of nowhere. There were only about 4 little mini marts that opens at 5.30pm, the road were all dirtroad and a huge generator to run electricity for the whole village. It was mainly flat lands with some vegetations, cows and horses. Apart from the villagers and the cowboys, there are lots of alligators, birds, insects and the cute capybara. It´s from the rat family but it´s very big!!! 1.3mtr and weighs 75kg. We were told there are BOA snakes but unfortunately didn´t see any.
By noon, after our morning boat ride, we were looking forward to having tea and coffee... unfortunately the kitchen was locked!! how sad... we ended up chatting with Jen and trying to forget how nice it would have been to have a hot drink with biscuits cos everything else is closed around us..
After waiting for hours... the guy in charge returned and we got out drink! How it made our afternoon so much more pleasant! The little pleasures in life.. :)
Enfin, l'Argentine, c'est de la Bonne bouffe tres proche de la notre: premiers vrai steack pour la carnivore, Tasted the Argentinean meat... my first real steak..
et glaces exquises pour la maigrichon... we also indulge ourselves in ICE CREAM.. home made.. with all sorts of flavours.yummy!!!
Nous voila maintenant dans la capitale argentine, Buenos Aires ou nous sommes heberges chez des amis rencontres au Perou! Nous allons profiter de ce stop pour recuperer un peu, assister a quelques spectacles de Tango et Flamengo, voir qqes connaissances de voyages et surtout TRES TRES BIEN si on a le temps, voir si on trouve un volontariat ou qqch comme ca...
A tres bientot...
A tres bientot...
Now we´re in the capital, Buenos Aires where we´ll be staying with a nice couple that we met in Cusco, Peru. We took this time to take a pause and enjoy the moment. Recover from the bus rides and see some Flamengo and Tango dance.. even learn some steps.. We ate well and had a good resting time.
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