Tuesday 26 February 2008


Il etait une fois au bord d'un lac dans le nord de l'Argentine, un pont avec un fil suspendu...ca avait l'air drole...alors Flo et moi avons decide d'essayer

RESULTAT: un fros flip avant de sauter mais l'elastique vous tirant vers le bas, vous ne pouvez plus rigoler!
La tronche sous l'eau apres un saut de 30m vous remplit les cellules grises d'eau!
Le lendemain, des courbatures "inexpliquees" a ne plus pouvoir bouger

Voila l'histoire d'une poussée d'adrenaline pour les jeunes maries en quete de sensations et d'aventures...


We were just visiting an artificial lake 80km from Salta. North of Argentina where the bus dropped us off near the bridge where we saw suspended ropes and we thought... hmmmmm, that would be interesting. So we thought hey why not do that... The price was reasonable compared to what we would have paid if we did it in France. It was not too high (30mtrs max)as well, plus we are still young to do this. We decided WHY NOT... cos it seems that fear of doing something crazy like this increases as we grow older.

So we got geared up and had to be weighed, I guess to adjust the ropes. Johan went first. Then me.... unfortunately if you look in the little film we took... I did not get to reach the water. I was a little dissapointed. When I jumped, I was expecting to reach the water.. but I didnt cos Johan went head in! Although when I joined him after he said it was better not to touch the water cos the water enters the nose and then gives you almost like a brain freeze... He talked funny after cos of the water in his nose. Sounds as if he has the flu. I was still sad I didnt touch the water cos I really wanted to. According to Johan perhaps I was too light. MAYBE... not too sure.

It was a good experience but I wont do it again... the next day, my muscles were sprained and aching in my abs and neck due to the jump. I must have tensed my muscles and with the shock and all the body chemicals happening in me... the next day it seemed as if I did like 100 sit ups.

It was a really quick sensation that I cant even remember how it feels like. The only moment that was really sensational was JUST BEFORE the jump. You can feel the elastic band pulling at your feet. You see the water below.. the height. You look at the rest of the people. You let go off the railings, you feel the ropes getting heavier below, you lift your hands up... NOW that part was scary.. THEN YOU JUMP!!! You scream and it is over... hehhehehe...

I think you can feel more if you dont scream at all but it is pretty difficult to do. Although there was a girl who did that after us. We thought she fainted.. no sound at all. Scary. Finally she did say something like "I will difinitely not commit suicide"

So that was the BIG JUMP!!


Anonymous said...

Crazyyyyyyyyy !
But very nice jump amigos !
And the sounds you made are funny !
Yoyo s'était prévu le lavage gratuit du visage ?
Zitoun international

Anonymous said...

Vous êtes complétement dingue.....
Quelle erreur!!!! en plus toi, mon frère, comme d' habitude tu nous rajoute une nouvelle sensation; Je pense pas que celle-ci t'a vraiement plut( l'eau en plein dans les narines)....
