We slept early that night, prepared our bags with biscuits and water for an early start. Woke up by 4.15am and took a quick breakfast while we waited for our 5am transport.
Notre guide vient nous chercher a 5h du mat. Il faut attaquer tot, sinon on va se faire cramer par le soleil....
We were all very excited to do Sandboarding on Cerro Blanco. It wasn’t difficult to wake up. We were awake before the alarm rang
There was a driver and a guide. As you can see he has all our boards with him. 3 of us are squashed in the back seat. Nice and cozy.
We were dropped off and started our morning exercise/walk.. a little early for that but it was a beautiful morning. The full moon still in sight, the clear blue sky and the sun rising behind the mountains. We had to walk for a long time before we reached the sand dunes.
It is evident there are not much life on the way up.. cacti and lots of dried up trees. We won’t get much shade from them. It gets pretty hot but since we’re up in the mountains there are some fresh breeze to cool us down.
Ca y est, le soleil est au plus haut. On essaye de trouver un peu d'ombre mais c pas facile!
In the beginning it was difficult to start up our ‘engines’ and we thought as our body warms up it’ll get easier.. ya right! After about 2 hours of walking..
we had to walk in
We did manage to stop half way to take a break. To benefit the fresh air, the sun, the beautiful scenery and especially to fill our stomach as we’ve already digested our breakfast and to catch some breath before walking again.. give our legs and feet a break.
After our little break another hour and a half in the SAND DUNES.. it was really tiring!!! It was worth it though.
Apart from just walking, we had to walk UP and carry the sand boards.. Fortunately Johan is such a gentleman, he carried mine for me.. hahaha.. especially the sand dune bit.. cos of my
knee.. (good excuse for me)
Flo craque!!! Je me tape sa planche jusqu'au sommet!!! Les joies du mariage...pour le meilleur et pour le pire
FINALLY we reached the CERRO BLANCO!!! We were really KO by that time.
The scenery was breathtakingly beautiful! It was amazing to be on top of the DUNES.
Well, we were given some practices before heading the BIG SLOPE!! We had to be sure we are confident enough to SURF and SAND BOARD all the way down. Well, I’ve never done snowboarding so I won’t know the difference or even know how to ride the board. Apparently it has a totally different sensation between the snow and sand.
It’s slower on the sand than the snow. So that suits me well cos I get scared when it goes too fast and I won’t be able to control.
Yoyo, le surfeur du desert. Sacre saloperie ce sable, impossible de faire des virages! En plus, il faut farter tous les 100m sinon on avance plus. Donc apres une mini descente, on dechausse, on sort sa bougie et on farte la planche! Ensuite, on a tellement mise de cire qu on part comme une balle
We had to always put wax under the board so it’ll go down faster.. then after 100m of surf, you get stuck, you stop and wax the board… with candles! That gets a little bit annoying after awhile we ended up sitting on our boards.
That explains the sand all over our faces.. well.. especially on Johan’s and Nelly’s face cos they were sitting more often than I was. So funny.
Apres quelques tentatives, j ai abandonne le surf pour faire de la luge. Seul probleme, le sable dans les yeux, ca fait MAL, TRES MAL!!!
Well after all the fun and sand boarding… to reach the car was another hour or a little bit more to walk.. in the hot sun.. AIE… My legs were already wobbly from trying to ‘SURF” in the sand.. Johan had lots of sand in his eyes, ears all over him.. Again the gentleman that he is.. he carried my board for me.Apres les 3h30 de montee, les 1h30 de descente en surf/luge. Il a fallu marcher a pied encore 1h30 pour retrouver notre voiture! Il est 13h30 que nous finissons
We went to town and treated ourselves with a good hearty meal after a big effort! We were so knocked out we slept early and I went to bed right after dinner.. just after 8pm.. TO BED and stayed there till the next morning.
Content d etre arrives en bas en un seul morceau. Pour feter ca, direction PAULITA, notre petit resto favori ou avec 1€, on a un bon jus de pomme frais (sans sucre), une bonne soupe de pate et un bon morceau de viande accompagne avec du riz! Que BUENO mis amigos!!!
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